Volunteer parents have been supervising Youth Activity Nights in Cropwell Bishop on a regular basis since November 2009. Supported by the Parish Council the group is now catering for over 70 young people who have registered as members of the new CKOB Club ‘ Cool Kids of Bishop’ as named by the young people themselves.

The initiative hopes to engage with as many of our young people as possible to promote community cohesion and social well being.

Grant funding obtained by the Parish Council has enabled the Group to set up and run the following activities to date:

· Games Nights

· Sports Nights

· Arts & Crafts Sessions

· Urban Spray Art Sessions

· Karaoke Nights

· First Aid Training

· Talent Nights

· Film Nights

· Fruit & Smoothie Making Nights

· Celebration Weekend Fun Day

Currently running every other Friday night at The Old School the Group hopes to expand on the frequency of CKOB nights with the help of more adult volunteers.

If you have a lot of just a little time to spare and would like to help in any of the Youth Activities in any way, or you would like more information then contact the Parish Clerk or Jo Wroughton


Web Site:

See us on facebook