
Speed Watch Monitoring in Wiverton

With more Speed watch teams being formed and more activity being recorded, some concerns have been raised by Speed Watch Monitoring teams with the Police, regarding the recording of figures supplied by the Speed Watch teams and the length of time it takes for those figures to be displayed on the Police website. Also that the Police website is showing that no Community Speed watch activity has taken place in Cotgrave and Wiverton during August to November

Parish Clerk for Langar cum Barnstone Clare Pegg has written to the local Beat Manager Pc Scott Redgate demanding to know why despite several Speed watch sessions having taken place these are not recorded on the Police Website nor is the website up to date with published feedback. She went on to say that it appears that there is some confusion between the way the Police and Community Speed watch groups are recording the information and would appreciate some clarification on the operating criteria

Pc Redgate has replied with the following: –

The Speed Watch teams will view the speed of motorists and record registration of the offending vehicles.The Police have to abide to stricter criteria when conducting their speeding operations and have torecord the speed of motorists for evidential value and therefore they tend not to record as many speeding motorist as the speed watch teams do.

The Police website is currently undergoing change, and therefore certain items and updates may be slightly out dated.

We publish all our Police activity on a regular basis and taking into consideration your comments and others running local Speed watch groups, I now intend to publish all speed watch groups results, though it may take some time.

To clarify how the motorist are delt with – Speed watch groups have letters sent to all offending motorists advising them of their speed and issuing them a warning. Motorists caught by the Police are either spoken to and given advice or issued with Fixed Penalty Notice depending on the circumstances.